Wednesday, March 28, 2012

So, Monika was talking about her workshop , but it is also important to know our everyday activities and all the other interesting workshops we are participating in.

I have talked about painting class before .. and actually for the moment it's drawing class. It is like this because we first have to learn the basics of drawing and only then can we begin do paint.

Monika and I along with our painting teacher 
  and benefiting from Ihsan's translating skills 

Also an interesting class is Turkish Traditional Dancing. Currently we are learning a traditional dance called Zeybek. And here is a picture with me trying to learn the steps by following our dancing teacher :

Of course I am also part of Monika's stained glass class :) and I am going to upload a picture with my work as soon as it is good enough. 
More information about the other classes coming soon, as I must remember to take some more photos.

Take care \ Have fun 

As new volunteers in the project we have joined in the making of some workshops. We are each trying to teach new skills while spending some good time with our students.
I teach stained glass, an artistic technique that my friend and her father taught me a few years ago.
In Gaziantep it's not a widespread technique (I have visited just one stained glass workshop here), but walking through Antep's streets provides opportunities to see many different handicrafts.

For example:
- beadworking
- repoussé and chasing
- metalworking
- lapidary

The topic I chose for the first workshop series was: "Be inspired by geometric abstraction".
In my opinion, this style of art is a good starting point for beginners. 
Students can learn this technique using simple geometric shapes and colors, similar to those favored by Malevich and Mondrian, to create their own compositions.
We started by making projects:

A few examples of the results:

The next important step was to learn how use:
- glass cutting knives 
- glass breaking pincers 
- copper tape

and the glass breaking pincers...

Using the glass cutting knife...

then helping each other with the copper tape :):):)

Everybody caught onto the idea very fast and hopefully enjoyed it. 
I'm looking forward to seeing the results in the future.

- Monika

Monday, March 19, 2012

Another day, another sunny day :)

Preparing for my drawing class and for I would say the best course ever :)) , of course , the one and only English Speaking Class with yours truly :)

Nice right , will be a little Picasso in no time I think 
So, back to my power point presentation, as always my trademark expression "take care / have fun " , where ever you are or might be going. See you later !


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sometimes, like today, the SUN comes out and we have a courtyard full of light.

 The courtyard of our organisation, which is situated at Millet Hani.

"Hani" was a traditional kind of inn, made for travelers to stop over and relax before the rest of their journey.
Millet Hani was commissioned by the National Grand Vizier, Lala Mustafa Pasha Khan, in 1562.
In 2003, thanks to Turkish businessman Mustafa Geylani, the building was restored.
At that time, Millet Hani was developed with the addition of a second level, with arcades on three sides of the building.
Each story has small rooms in which the SODES project has located art workshops.

On the wall, we can see the workshops' names, written using precise calligraphy.


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Welcome on our brand new Volunteer's blog.
We are: Monika and Dan, volunteering in the lovely city of Gaziantep, Turkey.

We would like to share our experience here with you by:
- trying to learn a new language
- discovering fascinating new traditions
- participating in the cultural life of the city
- helping the local community
- observing a different way of tasting LIFE

My name is Dan and I am from Romania, I have always wanted to experience living in Turkey and its unique culture and traditions. I hope you will follow our project and maybe we will inspire you to participate in a project of your own. That's it for now, from not so sunny today Gaziantep, stay posted and take care / have fun wherever you might be . :)

Numele meu este Dan si sunt din Romania (desigur data fiind limba folosita :)) ). Intotdeauna am vrut sa traiesc experienta pe care Turcia o ofera, cu cultura si traditiile ei unice. Sper ca o sa urmariti proiectul nostru si poate chiar o sa va inspire si pe voi sa participati intr-un astfel de proiect. Deocamdata doar atat, din Gaziantep (pe o vreme cam ploioasa azi), ramaneti aici, aveti grija de voi oriunde sunteti :)

And I'm Monika, from Poland. I hope to find myself in a project connected to my interests: art and culture.
As Dan said, we invite you on a virtual trip during our "Gaziantep Experience". We hope to explore the culture of this old city over the next 5 months!

A z tej strony Monika z Polski. Mam nadzieję dobrze odnaleźć się w projekcie o sztuce i kulturze miasta w którym żyję, ponieważ jest on bardzo bliski moim zainteresowaniom.
Tak jak wspomniał Dan, zapraszamy Was na wirtualną wycieczkę podczas poznawania miasta Gaziantep. Mamy nadzieję na dokładnie zbadanie tej starej osady, mamy na to 5 miesięcy!

Talk to you soon,
Monika and Dan