The week between the 15th-22nd of April is "Gaziantep Tourism Week".
Cultural centres prepared different events for this occasion. Our organisation planned inter alia:
- a traditional HALAY dance, performed by Gaziantep Folklor Kulübü - the children were dancing amazingly, with discipline AND fun at the same time.
This dance is mostly performed at weddings. There is a moment when the young couple dance together, and the man dances solo when he has to show how happy he is to be marrying his woman.
- Aydi Baba performance, lyric and Ney playing
- listening to old vinyl records
- also traditional cuisine and melengic coffee degustation (....melengic kahve....)
Bedriye and Fevzi (here wearing traditional clothes) prepared excellent coffee, I excellently drank three cups :)
Looking forward to the next Tourism Week.