Wednesday, March 28, 2012

As new volunteers in the project we have joined in the making of some workshops. We are each trying to teach new skills while spending some good time with our students.
I teach stained glass, an artistic technique that my friend and her father taught me a few years ago.
In Gaziantep it's not a widespread technique (I have visited just one stained glass workshop here), but walking through Antep's streets provides opportunities to see many different handicrafts.

For example:
- beadworking
- repoussé and chasing
- metalworking
- lapidary

The topic I chose for the first workshop series was: "Be inspired by geometric abstraction".
In my opinion, this style of art is a good starting point for beginners. 
Students can learn this technique using simple geometric shapes and colors, similar to those favored by Malevich and Mondrian, to create their own compositions.
We started by making projects:

A few examples of the results:

The next important step was to learn how use:
- glass cutting knives 
- glass breaking pincers 
- copper tape

and the glass breaking pincers...

Using the glass cutting knife...

then helping each other with the copper tape :):):)

Everybody caught onto the idea very fast and hopefully enjoyed it. 
I'm looking forward to seeing the results in the future.

- Monika

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